Go Ahead and Laugh

Yesterday kicked off with me carrying my screaming, sobbing kindergartener ONTO the school bus and buckling her in before we made 20 kids late for school. I immediately returned home to cry my eyes out. Talk about “mom guilt.”
I wasn't conscious of it yet, but I'd already decided it was going to be one of those days. You know those, where you feel like nothing goes quite right, and once you've set off down that path, it snowballs?
Next, I got undressed & into the shower to be greeted by a giant cave cricket hopping crazily under the shower spray. [If you're lucky enough to NOT know what a cave cricket is, go ahead and google it. Just don't blame me for your nightmares later.] They’re completely harmless and yet somehow I almost die every time I see one.
A biblical yard-flooding rain & thunderstorm set the tone for the rest of the day. Then I shattered a large platter on our kitchen floor. ~
By the time dinner rolled around, I was practically tip-toeing around, afraid the “next thing" would be an ER trip while my husband was out of town.
I made it through cooking dinner, unscathed. When it was time to call the girls to the table, I began taking the chicken thighs off the very-juice-filled sheet pan, and putting them onto a plate. Halfway through, I flipped the sheet pan, the chicken & juices, onto the kitchen floor.

My 13-year-old and I stared in shock, then I saw the relief on her face when I started laughing. Hysterically. At some point, it just becomes funny! No one was hurt. It was just going to be a day of mishaps, and that last one tipped the scales from painful to hilarious.

As a brand strategist, part of my process involves helping my clients figure out their core (or brand) values. I’ve learned that one of my core values is HUMOR. 
Life can be absurd. If you can't laugh at it - and yourself - then you're in trouble. I even laughed through labor!  (Until 9 cm - I’m not insane.)

Oh, if you're wondering how my kindergartener made out yesterday, the answer is GREAT. When I asked her about our stressful morning bus "incident", she shrugged it off as only a 5-year-old can:

“Eh, I was just tired."

Yup kid, we all have those days.